Fishing & Marine Resources

Dawson Edwards & Associates has developed itself into one of the leading firms in South Africa with regard to fisheries and marine resources related law. Dawson Edwards & Associates counts itself as one of the first firms to develop a specialised area of practise relating to fisheries and marine resources law. As such we have unequalled experience in every local fishery and marine resource as well as a number of international and high seas resources. We are able to assist you in any matter in this respect and have particular expertise in the following:



As mentioned above Dawson Edwards and Associates is one of the leading fisheries and marine living resources legal practises in South Africa. We are able to assist you in any matter of fisheries law in South Africa and internationally and have vast experience in almost every sector. In particular we are able to assist you in any compliance issues whether local or international, as well as applications for transfers of fishing rights, catching or joint venture agreements, processing and marketing agreements and standard regulatory services such as applying for fishing vessel licenses, transferring rights to alternate vessels and transferring rights to different corporate entities. As a result of our expertise in marine living resources law we have also developed significant experience in marine environmental law and would be able to assist you in any matter involving this area of law.



We are able to assist you in a wide range of fisheries related agreements including charter agreements, catching agreements, marketing agreements and processing agreements. We are also able to assist you in the commercial structuring of your fishing operation relating to matters such as joint ventures, management and licensing agreements, supply agreements and various financing agreements. Once again as a leader in this particular area of law we can assure you of expert advice at more competitive rates than the larger law firms.



We have assisted a number of clients in this area of law including drafting commercial agreements and negotiating relations with oil and gas companies and the provisions of independent contractor services to such companies.



Our experience is mainly in the offshore diamond mining sector but we have also assisted clients in offshore mining of other less valuable minerals. We will be able to assist you with all matters relating to offshore mining including applications for concessions and finalisation of tenders and any other related commercial agreements.

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